Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Don't they know they aren't suppose to be that happy?

Have you ever seen someone that is either down their luck, have a disability or even very obese and think "man their life must be no fun". I think a lot of us have been guilty of that at some point or another. We all have this perception of what a great life looks like.

A great life is someone who is in excellent shape with ripped abs. They make a boat load of money and never have a days worth of stress about how to pay for something. They have the 2.5 kids, an SUV and the white picket fence and live on Wisteria Lane.

They are completely healthy, and have no physical impairments. Their beautiful children are on the honor roll and soccer champs. Of course we think these people should be smiling and dancing all the time. They have no lemons in their lives, right?

I watched a video from YouTube of this obese man doing a Zumba class in a Speedo and it has inspired me. For the few minutes that video played I was so jealous of the self confidence, or either his "I don't  care what people think" attitude.

This man, who some might think has a lesser quality of life due to his size, could teach us all a lesson. When you see someone who is just enjoying being alive, no matter their situation, it is uplifting. I think if they can smile like that given obstacles they have why can't I?

Tyler is a friend of mine on Facebook. This young man has more life in his pinkie than most of us do in our whole bodies. I always look forward to his post because I know they will make me smile. I believe his social calendar would probably put my to shame by looking at his photos. He is having way more fun than I am.  I think we could all learn a lesson from this guy about being happy with what we have, be it a lemon or not. Tyler, you are the man! Keep on shining!

We all have different opinions on what makes life great. Sometimes you will come across that person that you may think has nothing to smile about. In fact,  they may be smiling because they think their life is so much better than yours.

Here are a few more just to make you smile

Until next time- give the world your best smile and safe picking!


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