If you had to choose your weapon from rock, paper, scissors or words, which would your choose?
Remember the old saying when we were kids "sticks and stones will break my bones but words can never hurt me"? But as it turns out, words can be the most dangerous weapon of all these things.
A lemon was handed to me as a very little girl. I was probably about 8 yrs old. The rodeo had come to Townsend and it was very exciting. When it was time for the calf run I was ready. All you had to do was chase the calf and pull the red ribbon of its tail and you won $5.
Well I did win that $5. When I made it back to the stands where my dad was, he made a comment about how I ran funny. Back then my dad was a completely different person (see "is everyone addicted to something" post for more background).
I never forgot those words. When I was in middle school and high school the thought of gym class and doing any kind of sport around a crowd was paralyzing to me. I somehow made it through 4 years of high school without going to one single gym class. I would get physically ill about it.
I know to some this might sound a little extreme, but you never knew when your words can affect someone in this manner. Especially a child. Our words should do nothing other than build their self esteem. No one has the right to degrade, no matter if you are a child, adolescent or adult.
I do ride a bike now and snow ski some. But even now, not hardly a day passes that the little girl in me does not hear that voice. I missed a lot that I wished I had been brave enough to try. Hopefully the pain of that can open someone else's eyes to make them more aware of what a dangerous weapon the tongue can be.
Now, I know that my daddy is my biggest fan and he loves me no matter how terrible I am at sports.
Until next time- safe picking and safe speaking
Since this blog is all about lemons I have decided to add some ideas of what you can do with these lemons that come our way to the bottom of my post.
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