Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Because I am a Queen


First of all let me apologize that I have not written anything in a couple of weeks. I tripped and fell into my "big dark hole" as I call it. Then someone pushed an elephant in that landed on my chest. On top of that they tried to fill the hole in with a load of lemons. I ate my way through the elephant and planted the lemons in my garden and I am back.

I have this video that a friend sent me that is on my mind that I would like to talk about. I feel, as women we have become conditioned to not be able to accept a compliment. If we say we like something about ourselves we are being conceited. Think about it, if someone says "I love that dress", most of the time, our response is something like, "this old thing" or "I got this for $10". What happened to just simply saying thank you. I feel, for me at least, if someone compliments me and I do not brush it off that I am appearing as though I am superior, or ahead of them or more cool. However you want to word that.

Please take a moment and listen to this song from India Arie (thanks JB for turning me on to her music)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J4zOYEOW5k

The video that inspired me so much has been making its rounds on Facebook. It about how women describe themselves opposed to how other see them. Why must we be so critical of ourselves? And why does our self worth have to be based on our physical self? I have come to the point that I believe Jesus made me with big thighs and who am I to go against what Jesus wants.

Go get some tissue and take a moment to really watch this Dove video. I was squalling like a baby half way through it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpaOjMXyJGk

I think we, as women, should be able to say 3 things that we like about ourselves. I will go first. I like my lips, my small hands and my eye color. It is our job to teach the younger generation that beauty truly is inside, outside and in your actions, attitude and personality. The more we can teach these girls to believe in themselves, the less they will have to depend on a boy to determine their self worth.

I challenge all of you, once a day for the next week, to tell someone that they are beautiful!

Homework assignment #2, come up with 3 things about yourself that you like and leave on my comment section of this post.

Lemons come in all sizes and all sizes come from God. Love what He gave you.

Until next time- Safe Picking.


Check out some more Dove beaYOUtiful tips

Also check out this self-esteem test http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/interactive/interactivetests/selfesteem.php

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