Thursday, May 2, 2013

We all know a few four letter words, but what makes you say them? This is a story of a very dear person to me. She is the sweetest thing ever next to Mickey D's tea.\
Have you ever had that conversation with someone and all the sudden, they drop a the four letter word? Some people it's every other word. But there are some that if they were to say it, it would be like six legged lizard walking in front of the TV during Greys Anatomy. You would think "where in the world did that come from?" The first time I was talking to my sweet friend and this happened I was in the car and about ran off the road. Hearing that word from her was as foreign as hearing the Pope say it. It kinda made me chuckle.
But my thought is what got this lady, a former preachers wife who normally would not say a cross word, to the point that these words can just flow off her tongue so easily? I have a feeling that it was a four letter word that got her to this. L.I.F.E. Life has a tendency to change who you are.

 There obviously have been a lot of lemons between the role of wife of a preacher and mouth of a sailor with lipstick. The cool thing is that this sweet lady recognized what was happening and decided to control her life instead of her life controlling her. I think her moments of turrets came from feeling out of control. She is back to being her charming southern better self.


If you do not learn to deal with these lemons life hands you, you could ended an old bitter prune.
Everyday she is making the decision to do one thing differently to take back control of her life. This is just a speed bump in her life. If we can identify these things, whatever it be that is keeping you from being your best "you", recalculate as our GPS would say and take another route.
So, I thought I would help out with a list of acceptable four letter words just for the fun of it
Just seems like these fit together. I'll finish off with this photo I found and just love the message and the colors, and also with another use for those lemons that do come your way.
Until next time- do not let life control you, learn to control your life!
Safe Picking!

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