Monday, July 8, 2013

Facebook or Lemonbook?

I totally agree that Facebook has lots of positives to it. For example, on your birthday, it is very heart warming to get so many birthday wishes from people who would never know it's your birthday. Facebook has been a great tool when I am looking for something I can't find. Just post it, and usually 7 people will give you suggestions.

But Facebook does has it's negatives as well. One that I've been thinking about the last couple of weeks is how it seems to take you back to high school days. I know for me, and I'm certain someone else feels this way, that I start comparing my life to others. "How do they have that kind of money to spend 3 weeks in Europe?" "How is she that skinny after having 5 children?" "I'm a failure because I don't get up and run 7 miles at 5:30am every morning." Or, "they have a perfect family, one boy, one girl and a white picket fence", and I never even gave birth to a child of my own. It seems to just accentuate the lemons you were either handed or picked.

But just like in high school, Facebook is a digital edition of your yearbook. All the pretty pictures, successful honors and accolades are posted for everyone to see how wonderful you are. But, it can leave and empty space for those that are different than that.

I have to keep myself in check when browsing through FB. I have to remind myself that no one (well most people would not), post pictures of the pink slip their husband got at work that day. I've never seen anyone post their mugshot from their DUI arrest. You never see the beautiful lady with mascara running down her face after finding out her husband has a girlfriend.

I guess this takes us back to a lesson we should have learned in kindergarten.We are all different. You should not be jealous of what other have. And, love yourself.

We are all created in His image the way he wants us to be. You have 2 choice in life. Accept what you have and are or change it.

PROVERBS 14:30 A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.

Until next time- safe picking and safe FB browsing.


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