Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Half time at the Lemon Bowl

As I am getting up early to write today's blog, my body is creaking. I feel like some mornings I shuffle instead of walking. I do not jump up as quickly and easily out of bed like I did 20 years ago. Bottom line, aging stinks!

But this post was inspired by the first episode of the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. His first guest was Will Smith, who I am a huge fan of. Will talked about going skydiving recently in Dubai. (I tried to find the clip you but wasn't able to.) He said something about it that I just can not stop thinking about.

He said that they way he figured it he was about in the halftime of his life. And, for my football fans out there, you know that halftime is when the players are run down, sometimes mentally and physically. But most of the time, when they come out to start the 3rd quarter, they realize this could be the most important quarter of the game. He said he decided that going into the 3rd quarter of his life, could be the most important, instead of sliding to the end. He was going to make the best of it.

That was like an Oprah "ah ha!" moment for me! Instead of feeling like I am too old to do certain things, why not take that approach? This is my quarter to live! Yes, I'm tired and worn out, but this is my time to shine. It is never too late to change the game and throw that Hail Mary pass that forever changes the outcome of things.

Remember, it is never too late to take that class you have been wanting to. You are not too old to start writing that book you always said you would. There is still enough time for you to learn to play the drums or become a pilot, (well, maybe for the safety of others if you are over 80 you should not start flying). Be brave! Jump out of that plane. If you fail you are only right back where you are at this moment!
Until next time- Safe Picking

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