Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Learning from the Disappointment of others

Disappointment is when you step on the scales in the morning expecting that you have lost a pound and instead gained a 1/2 a pound. Disappointment is when that adorable little skirt makes you look like Rebel Wilson once you get it home. Disappointment is when you realize that the check you received in the mail for 1.5 million is not legit.

Occasionally something or someone will disappoint you on a level that is deep in your bones like a disease eating through you.

I experienced that kind of disappointment a while back. Someone that I thought highly of was exposed of some things that shocked me to my core. When you learn something that changes what you believed to be true in an instance, it can make you question everything.

I could not get this out of my mind. For days it was all I thought about. How could I not see their true colors? How was I so far off the scales on my reading of this person and for so long?

Then my sincere self starts to wonder if I am being hypocritical.  Is the anything that I am doing, that if I were to be completely transparent, that would leave others being disappointed in the real me? I don't think there is. Rather, I hope there isn't.

But my heartbreak and over this new found knowledge, made me realize that I NEVER want anyone to feel this kind of disappointment in anything they learned about me.

Even though I, apparently, have been looking at this person with rose colored glasses, I am choosing to learn from this .  I want to live the kind of life that would never make anyone question my motives or true intentions.

If we can learn from others peoples mistakes, or lemons, hopefully we can live a more prosperous life without having to learn the hard way.

Until next time-Safe Picking!


Sunday, May 17, 2015

What makes the Difference?

Several months ago I came out of a store to get in my car. This old Probe was parked beside me. It is not completely clear from the picture just how bad of shape this car was in. You can see that one of the headlights looks like a lazy eye. There were dents all over it and paint chipping in numerous places. Both windows were down and there actually was an odor coming from inside. Obviously the owner knew there was nothing of value inside to be stolen by leaving the windows down.

I sat there for a minute in my nice, clean, newer car thinking about this car and the story behind the driver. I never saw the them but I was curious about them. On one sunny day in this parking lot, what had been different about my life and theirs that lead us to be driving away in two totally different vehicles?

I wonder if it was a difference in many generations that brought each of us to this place. Was it a difference in our upbringing that that made us aspire for such different things? I don't think so. I grew up in a very volatile household without encouragement. It wasn't that I had parents who taught me the value in going to college to make something of yourself. Taking care of your things or working hard for nice things was never a lesson I was taught.


So, what makes the difference? If things are as I would just assume for this driver, it probably was not very different than what I experienced. So does that mean that some people are just strong enough to overcome their past while others just repeat it? Is it a matter of work ethic? I don't think that either. There are many blue collar workers who put in many more hours at harder labor that I do everyday. Is it self esteem and not feeling like you deserve better?  I really do not know the answer.

I have thought about this mystery driver many times. I am not certain why they made such an impact on me, but they did. I understand that having a nicer car does not make anyone a better person. I am only speaking about the difference of wanting to take care of yourself and what you have. For all I know, this driver could be the person who someday finds the cure for cancer. But on this one day, what made it acceptable for them to have that life?

I know I do believe that it is possible to break the mold and get past the past. The cycle does not have to repeat itself. Sometimes when no one else does it for us, we have to be our own cheerleader and encourage ourselves to do and be a better person.    

Again, I'm lost on the answer it this. It was just interesting to me. Please feel free to comment. I would love to know other peoples thoughts on this.

Until next time-Safe Picking.
