When I stopped at my local corner gas station last week, I stood in line behind several people, like always, buying their weekly lottery ticket(s). I noticed a man in the corner with several cards spread out and he was scratching away like poison ivy was all over that counter.
As I walked past, and certain this was not the first time I have seen him in there scratching like a DJ, I wondered to myself how much he spends on these tickets hoping to hit the big money every week. It came to mind "why doesn't he just tithe his money and KNOW he will be taken care of instead of gambling his money HOPING he will be taken care of?"

First of all, I understand that I know nothing about this person and what they do or don't do. But, if it were the situation that money was only spent on lottery tickets instead of being obedient to what God tells us to do, it seems a little ridiculous to me.
Again, this is my speaking from experience, not arrogance. I have been very disobedient with money many times and for most of my life. I have learned that everything I have came from God. He allows me to have it. HE gives me a little to see how I manage before giving me more.
New Living Translation Matthew 25:29
To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.
That sentence just keeps whirling through my mind. "why don't we just tithe our money and KNOW we will be taken care of instead of gambling our money HOPING we will be taken care of?" That was very profound for me. I am so intrigued by what makes one person different from another. Faith that we are going to be taken care of is a big difference between a lot of people.

Don't get me wrong, I have bought about 3 tickets since it became legal in Tennessee. And I would not turn down any gift that a lottery winner wanted to share with me. But I know how I would help others with it. However, I am not willing to risk what little God has entrusted to me on the dream of winning big money.
Also, in my opinion, tithing can be helping in Jesus name many different ways. So for those that are giving me a tongue lashing in your head because you do not believe in giving to the church, there are many ways to help someone.
Other way that you can help others in Jesus name are;
Second Havest is an amazing charity that fills a very basic human need of nurishment.
If you know a friend who is having some financial struggles, buy some basic nessecities like toilet paper, washing powders, soap, shampoo, etc and leave it on their door step. They do not have to know where it came from. I promise you, the feeling you get from these random acts of kindness will make you feel like having your feel in a warm bowl of pudding.
But most of all, remember that God WILL take care of us.
Matthew 6:26-27New International Version (NIV)
26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?
Until next time- Safe Picking