Saturday, November 14, 2015

She looks so different

This is not my story but someone else who has given me permission to share because it is so profound.

A lady I know, who we will refer to as Gabbi, was unhappy in her marriage. For years, conversations that I had with her were peppered with complaints and grumbles about her husband. I got the impression that he was not committing major crimes like infidelity, spousal abuse or hiding a double life. He just did 100 small things a day that drove her crazy.

As we got closer she confided in me that she had never really gotten over her first love. Every time her husband missed the target on what she needed, she compared him to her first love. Apparently this first love affair had never made it past the point of belly flies. They weren't together long enough to have to manage money together or decide who was staying home with the kids and who got to have a night out. So all her memories were of rainbows and roses.

20 years later she was still holding on to this person and was convinced that he was the one that got away. Her days were filled with "what ifs". I could see the anguish on her face. It physically was affecting her. I would try to encourage her either work at repairing what she had with her husband or move on.

A year or so passed without me seeing her or getting to have a conversation more than just pleasantries. When I did see her again she looked fabulous! Like extreme make-over fabulous.
She was different on the outside and inside. After asking our auto-human question of "how are you doing?", she said she was actually doing fantastic. She also volunteered that she and her husband were great and it was like falling in love again.

I just casually replied that her husband must have figured out how to stop making her crazy everyday and we both laughed. Then I seriously questioned what she thought the difference was and she wasn't sure. We went our separate ways for the evening and that was that. It was refreshing to see her so happy.

A few days later Gabbi calls me. Her tone was very serious. She said she could not stop thinking about my question of what the difference had been in their marriage and had her husband finally made the changes she wanted.

I believe this was as much an ah ha moment for her as she told me of the previous year. Gabbi said she was in such an internal turmoil that she finally prayed for God to remove this other person from her marriage. She prayed to have the same belly flies for her husband instead of this past fling.

She made her mind up to commit 100% to her marriage instead of simply the half she had been investing. Gabbi said she came to realize that some of what she was holding on to with this person was more about her life at that time and things she wished she would have done differently.

Gabbi professed "to answer your question, what changed was me. My husband has not changed anything about him. I am the one who changed". She was crying at this point as was I. This was amazing. She said this other person had not even crossed her mind in almost 9 months. This was that moment in life when you realize that your prayer had directly been answered.

I sat there speechless. We've heard about how you can't change other people only yourself. But seeing her change in attitude and her faith in God to restore her marriage brought chills to me.

We can change our attitude about situations and improve them. We will never be able to change someone else, only us. What situation are you in that possibly you making a change instead of the other person could make an improvement?

Until next time- Safe Picking

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