All of my post are about a something that I have experienced. However, this one is about someone that I love very dearly.
I have found that talking about homelessness can strike a cord just like religion and politics can. There are some that I've learned to just stay away from the subject. I feel that most people are so close minded about it. They should "just get a job" or "they chose to smoke the crack that put them there".
Everyone has a story in life. All of us have a beginning and a middle that led us to where we are now. And not every ones story is as rosy as most. There are definitely people who were handed the lemon that landed them on the streets. Many are mentally ill, abused women or war veterans that just never found their place back in society.
Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
Several years ago I started something called Operation Homeless Bags. A group of my friends, instead of exchanging Christmas gifts, put our money into stuffing these huge ziploc bags with things like gloves, water, chapstick, paper and envelopes with stamps, crackers, prayer cards, etc., and gave to the home less shelter.
I have continued this tradition with help from donators and volunteers.
Last winter I was meeting my son, who was homeless at that time, to give him food, water and blankets. When I got the blanket from my backseat I saw the corner of one of those ziploc bags. My work I was doing for total strangers had come full circle and I gave that last bag to my son. Talk about having your heart ripped from your chest.
When you see these people you don't have to give them money. Give them food or carry a bag of snacks in your car for them. But most importantly just give them a smile and remind them that God loves them. They are just as important in His eyes as we are. I now try to give them something, even if it's my lunch I brought.
Matthew 25:40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
If you would like to donate by cash or by giving items to Operation Homeless Bags please email me at tompatam@gmail.com
Thanks so much to all the wonderful people who have donated already and are helping me grow my little grass roots project.
Until next time- Safe picking