Wednesday, November 14, 2012

So you were handed a lemon.....

By now your probably getting the jest of figuring out the difference between being handed a lemon or picking a lemon yourself. But the thing to learn is when you are handed a lemon to put into perspective just how big your lemon is.

I know I'm the worst for dealing with things like my son going to prison or my brother dying of cancer and almost being mad at the rest of the world for it. "How can everyone just go about their day? Do they not understand my world is crashing down. They shouldn't be laughing". I admit, some days I felt like that.

But then one day this horrific tragedy happened. I did not know the lady personally but did remember her from high school. For the blogs purpose we'll call her Queen Chiquita. I was just stunned by all the details that came out about how this woman lost her husband in this fiery crash, due to someone who was high on drugs. I just could not stop thinking about it. I sent her an email and tried to come up with any kind of words, as a lot of us did. In the following weeks, the emails exchanged with this amazing lady were truly a blessing to me. Every time I started to feel sorry for myself, I always thought of her. Not only in the sense of the level of her tragedy but how she handled it. I've learned so much from this woman, who is truly after God's own heart, and I haven't even met her yet.

She says she is a mess, but what a beautiful mess she is. No one expects her to be anything other for right now and a long time to come. But, in a sense, she has become a huge fan of mine and loves the blogs. Most days when I write, it's because I have her in mind and know that for the few minutes she is reading, maybe I can take her somewhere other than this nightmare she's in.

With my son, he's alive and someday will be coming home. I have an awesome husband, even though there are days I want to stab him. My brother is dying, but I've been given notice so I can make the most of my time with him. There are issues at work, but I have a job.

Thank you Queen Chiquita for just how much you have blessed so many around you just by being open with your story. I look forward to meeting you in person someday soon.

Thanks for reading

Until next time- safe picking


Oh, by the way. On the right side of the blog you can become one of my followers. I now have 12 countries reading but would love to know who some of you are.

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