Monday, November 5, 2012

You gotta squeeze a few lemons...

When I was married the first time, right out of high school, we were together for 100+ years before it ended. So, for the first time, as an  adult, I found myself out in the dating world. I thought this is great, I can go find my prince charming and live "happy, happy happy" (sorry I'm a it obsessed with the Robertsons right now).

Like every other female on the planet I had my list of all the things I wanted in my dream guy. He had to be tall, dark, handsome and make me laugh. A good job, stable lifestyle and love of the country would be an added bonus.

After dating several guys, I began to see, that after about the age of 25 we all start to have baggage that we are toting around. I found a tall dark handsome guy, but his love of recreational drugs was more than his love for me. I found another not so tall handsome guy, but his obsessive and childlike ways soon took over the handsome part. My nephew stayed with me a lot back then and would screen anyone I was going out with. I will never forget the night a blind date showed up wearing a short sleeve dress shirt and a pocket protector for his pens. My nephew just looked and me and shook his head as to say "just move along buddy".

After about a year I started to realize that I did not need a list of what I was looking for but rather a list of what I did not want. Looking for those things was more important.

It's kinda a quirky list, but here was my "DO NOT WANT" list.

No smoking- no explanation needed

Non EL Camino driving and Thousand Island dressing eater guy- think about it, every creepy guy you see does one or the other of these. I'm not kidding about this one.

No one named Tim or Timmy- bad memories from 3rd grade

No one with hair on the backs of their arms

No one who talked to their mom for than 3 times a day

No mock turtle neckers

No one who grew up with a lot more money than my family had- just makes it hard to relate to each other

No one who had served anything other than Thanksgiving at the homeless shelter (no time)

Absolutely no male who had a cat, especially if that was their only animal. Real single men don't have cats

No one who cried within the first six months (ok if your dog got ran over, but not for your cat)

oh, and no pocket protectors......

I finally found by weeding out because they had a quality that was on my no no list I seemed to get farther than looking for dream guy list. We all have our line in the sand of things we will not tolerate. But sometimes there are things that are a positive feature in someone and we don't even know it until we give them a chance.

I did finally find my prince charming and he doesn't do anything from the list. However, one day out of the blue, he did order Thousand Island dressing eating dinner and I had to have a come to Jesus meeting with him. Things have been just peachy since.

Sometimes you gotta squeeze a few lemons to keep yourself from picking one.

Until next time- safe picking


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