Thursday, November 1, 2012

But wait, I thought I was a Leo not a lemon

Let's see how honest you can be about yourself with a little test
#1- what is your age?
#2 what is your weight?
#3 are you a good singer?
#4 do you look good for your age?
#5 have you ever been someone's lemon?
You're probably starting to catch on to what things in life that we are handed and what things we choose for ourselves. But are you to the the point that you can admit, that no matter how amazing we are, that we could be bad news for someone else? That one kinda stung didn't it?

Say if you are the kind of indiviual that is emotionally high maintenence trying to make it with someone whose idea of PDA is riding in the car with you, you might be getting that "you're a great person, but I'm not right for you" speech in the future. Even though they aren't meeting your needs this pendulum of love swings both directions.
How about if you are a highly social person who like to party and partake in a lot of adult beverages, you probably aren't very healthy for someone who is a recovering alcoholic.
But, these things can change. If you haven't read my post "lemonade wine....a love story", you should check it out. It's about someone who realized just how sour they had been to their spouse and are working on changing their ways.
We are put on this earth to worship God, love one another and take care of one another. But you need to get to that deep down honesty level within yourself where you can identify when, possibly,  you may not be the best choice for something. I know we live in a world of me, me, me. We are so programmed to think is this right for me, or are they right for me, and if not, we automatically put them in the "thanks for coming but you're flawed" pile and move on.
Just try for a week using the logic in whatever you do, "am I right for this?" if not, save that person year and thousands of dollars of therapy and just move on.
Until next time-safe picking
Just for fun take this personality quiz

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