Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Hot Mess

I'm lucky enough to know Superwoman in the flesh. She is definitely Suzie Sunshine! For the record we will call her Dawn. She is that person that is always smiling. You know the ones that you think there is no way life can be that great for them. Even though Dawn has been handed some pretty big lemons, she just keeps on smiling.

She is the first to send you a Happy Birthday wish and always knows what to say when you are having a bad day. Being around Dawn is like crawling into a giant bowl of chocolate pudding.

I have really gotten to know her. I was floored when she confided in me that when no one was looking that Superwoman cape hits the ground pretty fast. Dawn says she is a mess. And the only time she is even a hot mess is when a hot flash strikes. She says she not the sexy kind of hot mess.

I was flabbergasted! I measure myself by this person. She said she is not simply a mess, but depressed and wished a train would fall on her. How can the lady who lifts so many up, hardly get herself out of bed? How can she save so many people but is not capable of saving herself.

Dawn told me that she has prayed for God to give her the cancer that a young mother is going to get just to end her misery in a dignified way. Her thoughts, when no one is looking are constantly on how she can die.

How can I help this helpless woman? I am not certain that using the words for her, that she does on others, would work. How can I get her to see herself the way others see her?

I guess the point today is we all run into people everyday that are smiling like they just won the lottery and a shirtless Bradley Cooper delivered it. There could be more than meets the eye. Sometimes, those people need your kind words more than the Debbie Downers do.

So, do not take for granted that sometimes even the Suzie Sunshines in our lives need prayers too!

Until Next time- Safe Picking


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