Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What a difference a day makes

"Only 4 more days til Friday." "Or, only 6 more weeks til we leave for vacation."

How about the statement "if we can just make it a few more months we'll be home free.
These are things we hear all the time. It seems like everyone is in a hurry for time to pass so we can get on to something else. We are just wishing our lives away.
But what a difference a day makes. 24 hours. 1,440 minutes
 86,400 seconds.
While we are wishing for tomorrow to come, there are those who know what a difference a day makes. To my sweet friend that was spending the weekend on a church retreat one day and a mere 24 hours later was trying to understand why she would never see her husband again. To the parents that lost their child to cancer, those 1,440 minutes would be priceless to have back.
What about the young lady who is doing her daily routine, then finds out she is pregnant and life will never be as it was 24 hours before.
Or, even to the wife who got a call that her husband has been cheating on her. Don't you think she wishes she could rewind time and unhear those words. You can not unring a bell.
Or to my brother, who in 24 hours went from being just sick to dying after the pathology report was read.
But, there could be positives also. The young girl who can't stop smiling because, just 24 short hours bfore, had no idea that her boyfriend was picking up the ring that he would get down on one knee and propose and make her dreams come true. 

Everyday is a gift from God. We should always be grateful for whatever today gives us. When you lay down at night, if you can not find anything else to be thankful for, be thankful that you did not receive some tragic news that makes  you wish you could turn the clock back or unhear some words.
Enjoy today for the gift that it is.
Until next time- Safe picking
                                        Tammy 3.6.2013
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