Tuesday, March 12, 2013

you might be a lemon picker....

If you are new to the blog I will reiterate that the purpose is to define what lemons in life were truly handed to you and which ones we choose ourselves. Just like to popular test out there that gives you clues that you might be a redneck, I have come up with some questions of my own to help you determine if you are, indeed, a lemon picker.

Here are just a few things to help you identify if you are bringing some of this on yourself.
If you have been married more than 4 times and you at not Larry King, you might be a lemon picker

If you justify your significant others behavior on a regular basis (he has a lot of stress on him, he usually does not drink this much, it was only once and not near a school OR it calms his nerves when he wears my panties) you might be a lemon picker.

If you have met someone online and believe that within a week that they are your soul mate.....or met anywhere for that matter, you might be a lemon picker.

If you spend every Saturday night at home alone crying because "he promised he would call", you might be a lemon picker.

If you are broke again because that friend promised, that when their underwater basket weaving business was up and running, they would pay you the $5000 back, you might be a lemon picker.
If, once again, you are baby sitting 3 kids under the age of 5 for that friend that does not even have the decency to ask why your eyebrows are singed off when they drop the kids off, you might be a lemon picker.

If your hands are turning blue from carrying your new Coach purse that Lonnie swore was real when you bought it out of the trunk of his car, you might be a lemon picker.

Bottom line is STOP BEING A DOOR MAT! Stand up for yourself and stop making these bad decisions. Here is a little hint.....no one feels sorry for you for things that you bring on yourself.

Again- I speak from experience (not about the panty wearing man though) not arrogance.
Until next time-
Safe picking! Tammy Please share on your Facebook and Twitter account below.

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