Thursday, March 14, 2013

Molded Lemons

When something gets old, what does it do? It either sets up, wrinkles up or gets moldy. Well with turning 40 I am starting to feel like a molded lemon. I always say I am not old enough to have any of this getting older stuff going on. Boy am I wrong! Everyone of us will be handed this particular lemon at some point Yes, even you young 20 year olds with your freckle-less tight skin. And I promise it is a bitter lemon to swallow.

To start with, when did I develop jowls? I am not an English bulldog but my face thinks I am. You know the part on each side of your mouth that droops down interrupting that flawless jaw line you used to have. Boobs. When do boob and belly buttons become neighbors. They used to live 3, 4 blocks from each other. They also become shy and go around looking at the ground. Everything that should be dry is wet, and everything that is wet should be dry, and nothing is firm anymore.

Why is it when I am in heavy traffic I have to turn the radio down to see? Things that 10 years ago I could look at a picture and figure out, now even with reading the directions I still can not comprehend it. I will go for a comfortable pair of shoes over sexy anyway of the week. And is elastic waistband really THAT bad?

  10 years ago I did not make groaning noises just simply bending over to pick up something. Who would have thought that my daily routine would not only be moisturizer but fiber also?


  I dare any woman over the age of 35 to look at your arms and hands and tell me you do not see your mothers. Ladies we will all be handed this lemon someday. All I can suggest is that we find a way to make a facial scrub out of it and hope for the best!

Until next times- safe picking Tammy

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