Saturday, March 2, 2013

Lemons disguised as Bellyflies

I had a friend once tell me that she had bellyflies. As I looked at her wondering if that was something that would take a pill or a suave to cure, she said "you know, butterflies in your belly". The guy she had just met had her all aflutter. We all know that feeling and have had it. It's that feeling of the unknown when you first start to get close to someone. When you start dating someone and when it comes time for that first kiss and your stomach is in knots, but in a good way. You wonder how it's going to feel, are they going to have fresh breath, will they put their hand on the side of your face in that way that makes you melt. Sometimes you get the bellyflies just by them calling and seeing that number pop up on your phone. But these, my friend, all come from not knowing whats going to happen next.

Think about it, do you ever get these with someone you have known for 100 years. No you do not.
No matter how good your marriage is or how strongly rooted it is, you never get those bellyflies again. But bellyflies only last temporarily. It then moves into the next stage which is the warm and fuzzys. This can last forever.

The warm and fuzzys are that feeling of knowing exactly what is going to happen next. When you can finish your spouses' sentences. When you know every step they are going to take when they come home from work. When you can describe their scent in detail and smelling it is like wearing your favorite sweatshirt. These are as exciting as as the bellyflies but these are the glue that hold a marriage together. What some may describe as boring, to the person that just lost their spouse, that is the stuff that dreams are made of.
Now to the point of my lesson today class. I have several people that talk to me, both men and women, about starting to develop feeling for someone else other than their spouse. This is what I explain to them. After years of being with the same person, if someone new comes in and looks at you for just a moment longer than normal, or says that you look really good in that outfit that is 73 yrs old, or seems to think you are just the cat's meow, BEWARE. Before you know it those feelings can get all scrambled and you can start to think the bellyflies are telling you that the grass is greener on the other side. It is so very important to identify that it makes us all feel good to be noticed. We all want to still think we got it. But if you get these two feelings confused, all that you still got can get split right in half at divorce court!
If you have those warm and fuzzys with someone now, they are priceless! DO NOT let the lemons that could be disguised as bellyflies threaten that security.

Again thank you so much to those that are reading and following my blog. It would give me bellyflies if you would share my blog on your page and tell everyone you know about it. And, I promise those kind of bellyflies will be harmless to your health.

Until next time- Safe picking!


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