Ah, Honey Boo Boo! I understand that so many watch these types of shows or rather shake their heads at these shows in disgust and utter disappointment. I choose to have some compassion for things like these. I guess coming from a very dysfunctional family I know the struggle it is to overcome and not repeat the past. I would bet my right arm that this lovely June (momma) probably did not come from a thorough bred family where they had tea and crumpets on the south lawn every Saturday afternoon. I would imagine that June probably came from a family just like she is raising now herself. Most of the time these types of situation occur just because people don't know any different. That's how they were raise and that's all they know. I'm sure June thinks she's showing Honey the love with her butter and ketchup concoction she makes for her because it makes Honey smile.
Another example, I know a family that has 4 generations of women living in one trailer. All unmarried and still having babies. This is a perfect scenario of the past repeating itself. But they do not know anything different.
I guess if you come from dysfunctional you have to be able to recognize, (or maybe redneckonize), and make the choice to not let it affect your future. I hear all the time that "I had a bad childhood" or "my parents were not loving". You have to see these things and change or you will just be passing these on to your young'ins.
Take Lindsey Lohan, if you listen to her mother Deena for more than 5 mins you want to hurl yourself in front of a bus. But if you can endure her for more than 5 mins you will learn that she is just repeating what she knows and has pass that onto Lindsey.
I heard a very profound statement once. Listen close cause this is good, "Cause someone doesn't love you the way you want doesn't mean they aren't loving you with the best that they have" pause for chill bumps
So stop blaming your parents! They did the best that they know how. They may have been just duplicating their childhood. But, you can break the cycle.
Also, when you see these families and are quick to pass judgement and want to call them trash or rednecks or whatever, just remember, they are only doing the things they know. If they had your childhood then they would act more like you.
The best revenge when you have been wronged is to not let it affect your future. If you didn't feel loved as a child, smother your children with love. If you were yelled at all the time, remember how that felt before you start to yell.
The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
So that dysfunctional lemon that was handed to you can be squashed immediately and save future generations a lot of suffering.
Again, thanks for reading and until next time- Safe Picking!