Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Don't hand the lemon you picked to someone else

Today's thoughts were inspired by watching Dr. Phil. Yes, I am a Dr. Phil junkie. I love his no nonsense approach to life. The jest of today's blog is about when we make bad choices and others we love are affected by them.

A perfect example is a couple that chooses to have an affair. Not only do you break up families but also run the risk of having a child from that affair. This particular show had a lady and a married man that were expecting a child. Later on in the show a young lady came on who found out she was the product of an affair and was devastated. She never recovered from this. It has ruined her marriage and she trust no one. She said she felt like everyone who saw her was disappointed because she came from such a terrible decision that her mother and father made. It was heartbreaking. I would encourage everyone to watch the video. Even if you aren't having an affair, just understanding how the choices you make as a parent can affect your children. I have made some really bad choices and live everyday trying to make up for those. I just pray that none of mine affected my son like this girl was.

This is the same for making bad decisions such as using drugs, bringing an abusive person into the home, or just simply teaching your children bad love habits. They watch how we love and that's how they learn. If you are detached and not affectionate with your spouse, they do not learn themselves how to be affectionate.

I guess today is about if your are going to pick a lemon yourself, just please make certain that it will only involve you and someday your children will not be dealing with the issue of being handed that same lemon.

To watch the show that I am referring to click the following

Again thanks for reading and until next time- safe picking!


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  1. So true. We all make bad choices at times, I'm sure no one ever sets out to make a bad choice or to hurt themselves or others by choice; too often that is the case. Thanks again Tammy for keeping it real

    1. Thanks so much for reading. I really hope that someone can learn from my mistakes without the heartache. Please feel free to share on your fb page. I'm trying to get as many shares as possible
