Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Men, oh my!!

I really did decide to start with a doozy, didnt I? To start with let me lay the ground rules. #1 I am changing the names to protect those that really need to be stabbed and locked in a porta potty. #2 this will not be for the faint of heart. If you dont want someone telling you how it is you should just leave and go turn on Delilah.
Here goes. So many women including myself make some horrible choices when it comes to men. One of mine biggest mistakes was that when the first one didn't work I thought I needed to go the opposite direction and it would be all rainbows and roses. WRONG! After mentally and fianacially destroying me I spent many months wallowing in pity and depair. HeeHaw called and wanted me to do their cornfield skit I was so bad (HeeHaw is not going to ring a bell for anyone under 35). Everyday I had to deal with some mess he caused. I had no self esteem. At times I was afraid to be alone. I ended up having to sell my house cause I couldn't afford it and move in with my sister. I went from having everything to having a bedroom. But you know what, I chose to marry Mr.What the Hell was I thinking. Thats his name for this blogs purpose. Then the day came that I thought I was ready to date and maybe give men another chance without killing them and telling Jesus they died. But I was so screwed up that I continued to pick one loser after another. I got in a cycle of dating people I'd dated before just cause they were comfortable. But then it dawned on me that, you know, I wouldn't be eating crap sandwiches everyday if I'd hadn't made the choice to marry this man. So, no matter how awful he was, ultimately I made the choice so I can't blame anyone but my self. I see now that probably 50% of crap I dealt with back then that I brought on myself. I had a friend who I once was very close with but not so much now. But, I've never forgotten what J said to me. She said "as long as you're broken all you're going to attract is broken people". OMGOODNESS thats good stuff!! It's ok to be alone. If you're still screwed up the only people who are going to be around you are in a pit deeper than you are. We attract people like ourselves. Ok so I know some of you are ticked at me for that last statement but it's true.
So this is a perfect lesson where I picked the lemon myself.

This just scratches the surface of these complicated creatures so I think this will take a few more sessions to unwind this ball of duck tape that we call men.
If you have any questions or comments email me at tammy@handedlemonorpickedalemon.com
I would also love if you have a scenario you need some assistance with.
Until next time, safe picking

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