Wednesday, October 10, 2012

SUPERSIZE my Lemon Please

This is an issue that I still struggle with. In a perfect world, to me, everything food wise would be super-sized! I love to cook and I love to eat. But loving to eat and getting old don't exactly like each other.

About 5 years ago I lost 40lbs and was in fantastic shape. I promised that I would never let myself get out of shape ever again. But guess what? In a matter of 4 years I had a hysterectomy, double knee surgery, a shoulder injury, job that wasn't diet friendly, low tire pressure, PMS, global warming, trouble in Haiti and everything else that I could blame for me gaining my weight back.

So basically I picked a lemon and instead of just adding it to my water like I should have I made a lemon meringue pie and ate the whole dad burn thing. I could blame the weight on any or all those things above or even bad genes. But, you know what it comes down to? I ate more calories than I burned, PERIOD!

I understand that some people do truly have medical issues that keep them from losing weight, but for most of us it's just about being honest with yourself.

I am not an athlete by any means. I wear tennis shoes and drink Gatorade, that's the extent of my athletic ability. I sprained my ankle vacuuming once for heavens sake! But I am trying.

So any help from anyone who would like to take this lemon from me would be appreciated.

Until next time- safe picking


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