Friday, October 26, 2012

His Needs HER Needs, part 2

I promised that I would get to the ladies blog about getting what we want. Going back to the book I referenced in the "one for the guys" blog titled His Needs, Her Needs the first thing he says that a woman needs is someone to listen.

Here's a little parable; A while back I called one of my managers about some frustrations I was having at work. I lite into him with everything from our hours to money to messiness to low tire pressure to night sweats and cellulite. After about 5 non stop minutes of me ranting, there was silence. Finally when we could muster up some courage he said" Tammy what do I need to do to fix this for you". Wrong! I replied "Mr. (Carlos) do you not know anything about women? I don't need you to fix anything I just wanted you to listen!" Men, majority of the time we just need you to listen and simply respond with " man that's gotta suck!". End of story.

Another thing he says that is important is having a man that can take care of us. I know women are all liberated these days and fighting for equal rights but I think when it comes down to it we wanna know our man can provide for us IF we needed him to.

If men would only realize that not only affection, but how little of it that it takes, will carry them a very long way. Women need to be touched and hugged and kissed and winked at. Those little small things will make most of us go to the moon and back for our man. Some where along the way a nasty rumor must have started that said if they slapped us on the behind when we were bent over that it turned our crank. Not so much.

 Everytime that our man doesn't fill these needs for us and another man takes the time to listen to us, or tells us that we look pretty, someone else is starting to make deposits into our love banks. Multiple depositors will ALWAYS lead to trouble.

Men I promise if you will do these small things for your lady you will get it back tenfold! So I guess if you picked a non-affectionate, no PDA kind of lemon, you have to just accept it or teach him how to treat you!

Until next time- Safe picking!


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