Sunday, October 28, 2012

Lemonade Wine- A Love Story

This story is inspired by something I have been so blessed to be part of. I just have to share this because I have been so moved by what I have seen. God is writing the love story of a friend of mine and it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen right before my eyes. This friend of mine has felt comfortable enough to share some intimate details of the end of a marriage and what led up to it with me. But, they have also shared with me how, about a month ago, that the Lord has taken hold of their heart and will not let go.

The story begins like so many do with the belly flies and love twinkling in a young couples eyes. After years of life just getting in the way, distance begins to grow and things start to deteriorate. We'll call them Marshall Dillion and Miss Kitty for the blogs purpose. When the end of the beginning started Miss Kitty would do anything to save her marriage. Marshall, after years of taking her for granted and ignoring her needs, was just letting their marriage slip through his fingers. I guess like the old saying "you don't know what you've got til its gone".

But eventually Miss Kitty came to terms with the end of her life as she had known it the last several years and started to embrace a new, single life. This is where God said, "not so fast, I got more plans for this couple".  As the final day starts approaching Marshall is starting to finally realize just how much he loves Miss Kitty and what a mistake he is making. God is tugging on those heart strings like crazy. As an outsider, I'm watching this happen. I truly feel it's not just one of those, "I'm in trouble so I'm turning to religion to fix it" kind of things. I think Marshall's heart is truly changed with or without Miss Kitty. Whats really happened is that Marshall has realized that he was her lemon. He knows all the mistakes he's made and is ready to remedy them.

I would guess that Miss Kitty would be feeling like she picked a lemon with Marshall. But what if this situation is reversed. What if the lemon you thought you picked was really just a grape that needed time to become that succulent glass of wine that you had always craved?

This has been like watching a movie and waiting to get to the happy ending. But no matter how this story ends, just watching this person grown closer to God has been such a blessing to me. The world is on Marshall's shoulders right now but someday he will be able to see that God is the one writing his love story. Maybe Miss Kitty will be able to see that her lemon was well worth the wait for it to turn into something beautiful.

Until Next time- if you did pick a lemon say a little prayer that it will become a devine wine grape


oh and Marshall, we all deserve to have someone "love the shit out of us"

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