Saturday, October 13, 2012

One for the guys

Years ago I had someone give me a book to read that has stayed with me every since. The title is
"His Needs, Her Needs" by Willard F Harley Jr.  The concept of the book is to understand the needs of your spouse. By understanding the needs of them you can make deposits into their love bank on a regular basis thus keeping any outsider from making deposits. In most instances keeping your spouse happy keeps your marriage healthy and affair free.

Love bank- this idea is genius! Basically when you meet your spouses needs you make a deposit into their bank. Every time they need something from you and don't meet that it is open for someone else to come along and fill that void.

You can't meet their needs if you don't know what they are. According to Mr. Harley in this book the following are a man's top 5 needs.

1. SEX (we all knew this)
2. Recreational companion- do what he likes to do- with him
3. Attractive spouse- take care of yourself
4. Peace and quiet- don't nag all the time
5. Admiration- show respect for his role in the family

There you go boys! I am telling all you ladies out there that you need to keep your man satisfied or someone else will. Now before you ladies go throwing things at me listen up. I know there are some men out there that are just dogs no matter what. No matter how much you take care of them, they will stray. For those guys I will do a post in the future addressing how to get even.

And I promise I will be getting around to the gals needs also.

It's hard to provide for a need or emotion that is not our own, but to have the best marriage you can just give it a try.

As far as lemons go, if you pick a bad lemon trying this concept might turn your lemon into something much more appealing.

To buy the book click here

Thanks for reading and until next time- safe picking


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