Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Were you handed a lemon or did you pick it?

This blog was inspired by several encounters with some different ladies and also from my past life. I guess the point is to learn the difference in being dealt a bad hand and choosing a bad hand. I used to think that I have had the worst luck and life and been so difficult for me. Now I come across so many others (women mostly but a few men too) who have this same opinion.

How to understand the difference and start to move on from either

Sept 30th 2012
I hope you choose to follow along on the journey and please feel free to email me if you have questions or comments. I can be emailed at handedlemonorpickedalemon@gmail.com. To begin with the reason I feel like I can talk about this is because I've lived and/or survived the things I talk about. Some things I'm still struggling with. I hope this journey can help others and also whip me back into shape on the things that I still need to work on. So many people just throw themselves pity parties on a daily basis and I have come to learn that so much stuff we create ourselves. Once you learn the difference in the two things it can make life easier. I will be starting my first entry tomorrow Oct 1, 2012 with the complicated issue of men. Hope you will join me.

1 comment:

  1. Tom ask to me read all of these to him ...he seems impressed...but you didn't hear that from me.
