Thursday, October 4, 2012

He's/She's just not that into you

Today's thought are about all those Sat nights that you sit at home because "he said he'd call" and you believed him. Oh, I remember those days and nights. Just when you thought you met that perfect someone and you were finally going to be living happily ever after, and Bam they fizzle out faster than a sparkler in the middle of a thunderstorm.

Long ago when I was single I did this just like most single people do. I remember seeing an author on some talk show that had written the book "Surrendered Single" and "Surrendered Wife".  If you are single or a wife, please stop reading right now and go buy either of these books. I love how it teaches you to go for what you deserve and not settle. It also teaches you how to teach men how to treat you. You know what slow learners they are.

While you're at the book store or Amazon go ahead and grab "He's just not that into you". It's harsh I know. So many people refuse to see the real picture and force others to be rude to get the point across.
Probably a good rule of thumb with everyone in life, not just boyfriends, but anyone is that if they are not calling 9 times out of 10 its because they don't want to. Unless they were kidnapped and living in some under world in Cambodia all of us have access to technology.

So I guess the lemon portion here is that if you are sitting at home drowning your sorrows with a Sex and the City marathon wondering why you are alone when "he said he would call"- you picked a lemon. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and go have some fun. When you get to the point that you can go to a restaurant, not fast food, and eat by yourself, then you're stable/secure material for Mr. Right to come sweep up.


Until next time- safe picking

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